lunes, 7 de enero de 2008

NINE ELEVEN (from France)

Band bio

Nine Eleven (Tours / Le Mans, Riot States Killers / No Time To Lose) was born from the ashes of common passions and from the love shared by its members for the Spermbirds, Nirvana, Bane, black metal, ambiant moroseness and the foretold next 40 years of collective blooming in the loneliness of daily work, televirtual life, mass sendentarisation, the scenestar "cool attitude" on internet forums and the cynicism of a speech pre-formated by a rotten youth nourished with the feeding bottles of the entertainment industry...

Not to mention the "cool" uniforms chemically enhancing the "cool" alternative french world, the badges fixed on the bag of the patrons of the HXC scene in Europe and elsewhere, the Levi's jeans and old school Vans who make us feel like true rebelsss(!), the enthusiasm and the good mood of the parisian easy going audience...

Our first record "king for a day...Ghost for a lifetime" is available since January 2006 on FREE EDGE CONSP!RACY.

What about our music, then? Oh, er... well, our music is simply inspired by the current speech, the sad and self-indulging failure-loving speech proudly defended by the "cool" people of our "cool" generation...

Use your disillusion review

Usually google is my friend for doing research on a band. But when you pick a name like "Nine Eleven", you can imagine it's hard to find what you are looking for. I did read about a thousand websites the TwinTowers, Emergency Number and the day that Pinochet stepped up in Chile. That last part is also where the band is referencing to. Weird, but okay they've got an excuse... they are French. Nine Eleven plays melodic old school, not unlike bands like Bane, Comeback Kid, Another Breath and Verse. And to be straight to the point it's never nowhere near the quality of the before mentioned bands. Especially the vocals, they are monotone and start boring me after a couple of songs... and start to irritate when the 10 tracks are almost finished. It took me about 15 times before I listened to the album completely. It's a shame cause music wise this isn't all that bad. Maybe it sounds a bit cliché and it seems like they recycled a lot of riffs, but for some reason it still sounds solid. The fast parts combined with melody creates a catchy sound.

Website >>

Myspace >>

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